Hey there. I wanted to share with you an answer to a question that somebody sent me by private message. So, the question was, “I promoted somebody from service staff so they just had a regular like lawn care job or a maid service job and then they were promoted to be a field manager and when they were out on the field, they got bonused with PTO days based on their scores. But now they are not getting the scores because they’re out doing field management instead of the actual service.” So, the question was, “How can I devise a program like this so that she doesn’t feel like she’s demoted?”
Pay For Performance Works Best
All right, for a field Manager I always love a pay-for-performance program whether it’s in the management level or the field staff level. So, I guess the first thing I would do is set up a base pay with incentives and then you need to figure out what you need from the field manager. So in my case, you know, I needed employee retention, I needed employee happiness, I needed employee engagement programs that was part of her job responsibilities, I needed the quality scores to be above a certain level, and I needed client satisfaction scores to be at a certain level. Or you could measure it by client retention and then she also tracked inventory so those were some of her responsibilities.
Determine What To Bonus On
And then with the responsibilities, you can take those and decide what you’re going to bonus on. For me, it was about – and you know when you’re bonusing keep in mind you have to be able to measure all this – so for me it was client satisfaction, which you can absolutely measure using quality driven and you have the scores.
And then employee satisfaction, we do a monthly survey and go around the room and get their employee happiness level. So, we can bonus off those employee scores, or if you want to you could measure off of like how many open positions you have. You know, turnover ratio or whatever. But I like to choose easy things and I also like to choose things that are easy for the person in that position to measure because I want them to self-measure. And then we also bonused on, I think client attrition, but that’s tied to the quality scores but still, it also has a piece of client satisfaction in there – I’m sorry customer service in there.
Determine The Bonus
So anyway, once you decide what you’re going to bonus on, then the next thing is to decide what is the bonus. So, you need to decide or ask what’s important to the person in this position? Because it’s really not a one-size-fits-all. I mean, we know the normal things like money as in a bonus. It could be PTO days, you know, for each month that the quality driven score is above a certain number, which is very much tied to a field manager who’s out there doing quality checks and training. They could get a PTO day; you know it’s up to you how you do that.
Get Creative With Bonuses
But then be creative because sometimes it’s money indirectly, but you know some people aren’t motivated by the money, like dollar amount. But if you said, “Hey wouldn’t you like to take your daughter on a trip to Disney World?” or whatever and they’re like, you know, light up, “Yeah, I mean, that would be amazing!” Well, that money that didn’t motivate them, when they see that going to something that does absolutely motivate them, you know, and it goes into like a holding account or something, then that is now motivating.
So, figure out what this person would be motivated by – and I do believe you need their input because it does not work if you put it all in place and they’re like, “yeah I don’t care”. And then make sure you can measure it. And so those are the things. I mean it’s not a one size fits all – it’s going to be unique to your company, the state laws that you have, and then what the field manager or whoever the person is in this position is interested in.
Determine Evaluation Frequency
Then lastly, you have to figure out how often you’re going to evaluate whether they met these criteria and how you’re going to reward them. I don’t suggest that you go more than a month out. So monthly is good, especially for people in a management position. I think quarterly, personally, is too long because, you know, if you miss it for the quarter then you have to wait a whole other quarter and that seems like an eternity. We know it passes fast, but it really does. It’s easier to say, “shake it off and it’s a new month” then it is, “shake it off and you got a quarter of a year to go.”
So anyway, these things are completely up to you and what fits for your company. I’m just telling you my feedback on what works and doesn’t work, so thank you.